"We do not want merely to see beauty… we want something else which can hardly be put into words - to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become a part of it."
~ C.S. Lewis
Earth Body Heart Wisdom

"I believe that there is a latent Mystic in every person. It's the part of us that senses our relationship to all of life and the Universal Energy that connects us to the world around us."
--Jean Houston
2024 Heart Mentorship Connective with Gwendolyn Terra
for Heart Centered Leaders
Cultivating the Roots of Connection * Embodied Knowing* Organic Transformation* Collective Healing and Co-Creation
Consciously Growing an Abundant, Heart INspired New Life and World
with a Powerful Circle of Conscious Collaborators and Co- Creators.
Are You a Heart Leader On the Healing, Wisdom , Entrepreneur, Community Builder Path Ready to Cultivate the New Ways of Relating and Co-Creating in this World?
Are You Ready to IN- Body the Next level of your Offerings & Service in and with the World?
Are You Ready to be a part of a Circle Committed to Bulding and Co-Creating these new ways with ourselves, our family, our Community and all of our Relations!
This is the Next Level ... a deepening and an expansion of our Capacity to In-Body our Connection with Spirit and Be a Conscious Guide and Collaborator during these transformative times...
The Heart Mentorship Connective (HMC) is a group of committed Heart Inspired Leaders who want to be a part of crafting this world in new ways and supporting others in this collective process. This will be the core foundation of being certified in Facilitating Integration and Systems Constellations. I am looking forward to supporting you in bringing these tools into the world in whatever way they serve. If you are called to shift your life to the Next Level, being in a group is the most powerful way as we generate an amplified energy of support together.
This will be a collective exploration in Soul IN-Bodyment Practices, Integration/ Family/ Systems Constellations, Sacred Movement and Earth Body Wisdom, drawing on the energetic tools and practices that Gwendolyn has gathered and developed to support Herself and others on this Inspired Living path, the Heart and Life Wisdom of each participant in this group, and the Knowing Field that connects us all. This is a Path, a Way of Living and Being in Aligned Relationship with ourselves and our world and an Opening to Grow and Live an Inspired and IN-Bodied Spiritual Life and to Nourish the World we are a part of.
In this Heart expanding Journey Together We will:
Deepen Our Understanding around the Roots of Connection and Conscious Co-Creation through the practice of constellations and systems theory and Somatic Awareness
Experience and Learn the energetic practice of Integration Constellations and other Soul In-Bodyment Practices and Awareness tools designed to grow ourselves, our community and our world in more Conscious and Heart centered ways.
Gain practical somatic and relational tools and wisdom to nourish and share with our clients and all those we are in service with
Learn and Practice Core Group Energetics and How to Cultivate powerful Group Co-Creation and Transformations with others.
Cultivate our Embodied Wisdom through the Potent Elements of Focus/Flow, Intention/Attention, and Vertical and Horizontal time.
Grow our Capacity to Cultivate Intimacy and Expand our Heart Connections with-IN ourselves, with others and in our Relationship with the Earth and Source and invite others into these ways of being
IN- train and In-Body this Deeper Way of Being in Flow in the World and support it in the relationships around us
Activate and Share our Fullest Expression in the world with the Support of this Circle
and much more as the Wisdom of the Heart Fields moves through us as a collective...
If you are wanting to lead journeys into the Collective Heart realms with Individuals and/or Groups, this Mentorship Circle is designed to support you energetically through direct experience of the Heart Fields and Re-INtegration of your internal landscape, experientially with practices in listening and offering support in a deeper way and specific awareness tools of patterns within families and other systems and how to support others in moving and growing consciously within those realms.
Completion of this Commitment will give an energetic, structural and experiential understanding of the realms of Heart “Field” individual and group work (including Constellations) and will support you in sharing these tools in service in the world.
This offering is for those who want to bring the wisdom and gifts of the lineage and practice of Integration Constellations and the Energetic and Sacred Movement tools and wisdom Gwendolyn has gathered on her Spiritual journey into their lives in a deep way and in their work in the world in whatever way it truly serves.
The Mentorship Connective is a Circle of Heart “Field” Explorers and Guides on the Awakening path who choose to journey with Gwendolyn and each other to grow and nourish their capacity to be supported by and in service to Life, to truly Embody and Live their Inner Knowing, and to cultivate their capacity to listen to the Wisdom of Source to Support themselves and their family, friends, and community in this Heart led way.
This will be a collective exploration in Divine Movements and Earth Body Wisdom, drawing on the energetic tools and practices that Gwendolyn has been gifted and gathered on her Life Journey, the Heart and Life Wisdom of each participant in this group, and the Field of Creation that connects us all. This is a Path, a Way of Living and Being in "Right Relationship"with ourselves and our world and an Opening to Grow and Live an Inspired and Embodied Spiritual Life.
We will Experience and Learn the energetic practices of Systems “Constellations” and other Sacred Movement and Awareness tools to grow ourselves, our community and our world in a more Conscious and Heart centered way. We will explore the Roots of Connection, the energetics of “Right Relationship” and System Theory. We will also Grow our Understanding of the Energetics of Giving and Receiving, Cultivating Intimacy and Expanding our Heart Connections within ourselves, with others and in our Relationship with the Divine
If you are wanting to lead journeys into the Collective Heart realms with Individuals and/or Groups, this Mentorship Collective Circle is designed to support you energetically through direct experience of the Heart Fields and reintegration of your internal landscape, experientially with practices in listening and offering support in a deeper way and specific awareness tools of patterns within families and other systems and how to support ourselves and others in moving and growing consciously within those realms. Completion of this Commitment will give an energetic, structural and experiential understanding of the realms of Heart “Field” work (including Constellations) and will support you in sharing these tools in service in the world.
This offering is for those who want to bring the wisdom and gifts of the lineage and practice of what Bert Hellinger defined as “Family and Systemic Constellations” and the Energetic and Sacred Movement tools and wisdom Gwendolyn has gathered on her Spiritual journey into their lives in a deep way and in their work in the world in whatever way it truly serves.
The Mentorship Connective is a Circle of Heart “Field” Explorers and Guides on the Awakening and Embodiment path who choose to journey with Gwendolyn and each other to grow and nourish their capacity to be supported by and in service to Life, to truly Embody and Live their Inner Knowing, and to cultivate their capacity to listen to the Wisdom of Source to Support themselves and their family, friends, and community in this Heart led way.
This will be a collective exploration in Divine Movements and Earth Body Wisdom, drawing on the energetic tools and practices that Gwendolyn has been gifted and gathered on her Life Journey, the Heart and Life Wisdom of each participant in this group, and the Knowing Field that connects us all. This is a Path, a Way of Living and Being in Right Relationship with ourselves and our world and an Opening to Grow and Live an Inspired and Embodied Spiritual Life.
We will Experience and Learn the energetic practices of Systems “Constellations” and other Sacred Movement and Awareness tools to grow ourselves, our community and our world in a more Conscious and Heart centered way. We will explore the Roots of Connection, the deep Energetics of Relating and Systems Theory. How we Create Containers of Transformation and Co-Creation with the group field. We will also Grow our Understanding of the Energetics of Exchange, Cultivating Intimacy and Expanding our Heart Connections within ourselves, with others and in our Relationship with the Earth and Spirit.
This offering is for those who want to bring the wisdom and gifts of the practice of Integration Constellations and the Energetic and Sacred Movement tools and wisdom Gwendolyn has gathered on her Spiritual journey into their lives in a deep way and in their work in the world in whatever way it truly serves.
Do you feel the call to be a Heart Centered Leader?
If you want to Apprentice with and be certified by Gwendolyn as a "Constellation guide" to Facilitate groups in the practice of Integration/ Systems Constellations and Soul In-Bodyment Practices in a more supported way, completion of this full offering will serve as the Core Training Ground and the Foundation to offer this work in the world. The completion of this full immersion (details below), which includes over 120 hours of work in the Heart Field with Gwendolyn is the foundation and there are other steps to full certification. Please read below and message her with any questions.
Your Commitment and Fuel for this journey..
As a participant in this intimate group you are agreeing to attend all of the in person gatherings and the monthly group calls (as much as possible, they will be recorded). We will be having a Facebook ( or another platform) Chat group which is a great way to keep the connections growing. You are committing to honor yourself and your participation with others with Respect. Recognizing that life does constantly change, if you need to change this agreement, you are owning your responsibility to communicate with Gwendolyn/ and the group if you are unable to attend any part of this.
For your personal growth, capacity, expansion and tools in the world you can choose to attend individual modules ( please contact Gwendolyn for details/ exchange ) and receive certification for each level.
To fully be certified in Integrations and Systems Constellations and Soul-In-Bodyment practices with Gwendolyn, You will need to complete this Foundations Level 1 and 2 including all group online gatherings ( they are recorded) , and Practice Level 3.
It is strongly recommended you attend the 7 day Soul In-Bodyment Cultivating Earth Systems Constellations Retreat with Gwendolyn in June 2024.
If you do not attend the retreat you will need to participate in at least 40 additional hours of group work with Gwendolyn.
In addition to the above commitments
You will be asked to attend 80 additional hours of " Field work" with Gwendolyn and other Constellation guides in the world - there are many available in different areas and online ( Gwendolyn will assist you with this). to really learn about the field it is important to practice with others and this will nourish the coaching process.
In addition you will need to schedule a group event - lab with Gwendolyn ( and /or her designated support person) and and receive a successful facilitator evaluation by Gwendolyn and or her support team to be certified as an Integration Constellations Facilitator.
Please let her know in your letter of Intention/Application if this is what you are calling in.
Your Commitment and Fuel for this journey..
As a participant in this intimate group you are agreeing to attend both of the In Person Modules and the monthly group calls (as much as possible, they will be recorded). We will be having a Facebook Chat group which is a great way to keep the connections growing. You are committing to honor yourself and your participation with others with Respect. Recognizing that life does constantly change, if you need to change this agreement, you are owning your responsibility to communicate with Gwendolyn/ and the group if you are unable to attend any part of this.
*Within each of the Modules, there will be a constellation gathering which will be open to the Public and a great way to share this work with friends and family. The mentorship group will meet before and after to explore deeper into the practice and as a Learning tool for Integrating this work on a deeper level. The week-long program will be open to all those who feel called and an opportunity for participants to support others in this practice.
You Commitment and Money exchanged Includes:
Participation in Both of the Modules which will take place in Austin, TX or Southern Oregon
Dates for the Heart Mentorship Connective 2024
Heart Mentorship Connective( HMC)
Foundations ( Level 1)
Feb 9-12th
in Austin , TX
Feb 17-18 & March 16-17
in Southern Oregon
(value $1500 includes online Integration training)
Foundations (Level 1)
Focus on Self Integration
Conception/Birth/ Mother / Father
Individual and Group Healing
Integration zoom session/ training ( all groups)
March 2nd ( 5 hours)
Co-Creation - Web of Relating
HMC Level 2
(value $1200)
April 12-15
in Austin, Tx
April 20-21 &
May 11-12
in Southern Oregon
( value $1500 includes Online Integration)
Level 2
Heart Weaving--- Web of Connection
Focus on Self and World
Siblings, Partners/Lovers/ Co-Creators/ Children/Creations
Collaboration/ Co-Creation/ Cultivating Group Container
Integration Level 2 Online Zoom session ( both groups)
May 4
June 2024
Full Systems Training - Weaving the New Story with the Earth
Gwendolyn Terra ( guest facilitators)
tentatively 6/14 - 6/22
Embodiment/ Earth journey ( we will be lodging in more than one space as this will be practices in relationship with the Earth)
In Southern Oregon/ Northern CA
Value $2200 ( does not include lodging/food)
More details to come.
Leading...from the Field
Level 3
Practice / Leading / Gathering
Community / Organization
Individual/Group Facilitation
September 13-15
Austin, TX
September 20-22nd
in Southern Oregon
Value $888
This gathering will be about cultivating the group fields together. How do we Bring this into the world? ... We will practice as leaders in the group field . We will be practicing in our online gatherings for those committed as well, this will be an opportunity to go deeper, and be witnessed as leaders. Participants will be getting tools to practice before and between gatherings and to cultivate deeper awareness when we gather together.
If you are on the path of Certification , We will also be scheduling a minimum of 2 practice Labs during this Period for direct practice of this work led by participants with Gwendolyn and other Assistant teachers for presence and support.
In addition...
Each member of this Connective who commits to the full training will also receive:
5 2 hour group coaching/ constellation calls - to be scheduled/recorded, beginning in February. ($800 value)
3 Bonus Training Calls with Special Guests to Learn More of the Structural tools for Self and Group Transformation ( $300)
2 private individual personal sessions 90 minutes with Gwendolyn during this time ($500 value)
6 30 minute coach/consulting personal training session with Gwendolyn (this includes your Initial Intention coaching sessions) designed to support you in learning and applying this work in your world ($600 value)
A closed group (on FB or other system) to share and grow together and share wisdom as we journey through this exploration together. ($300)
as a BONUS!!
If you Register By Jan 26th
*Participation in the next 6 week Online Mastermind Constellation Circle (value $600)
*Substantial discounts ( 20-50 %!) on all other offerings in person and online with Gwendolyn during this time period.
Gwendolyn and you must both be a Yes to your Participation.
Gwendolyn is calling in a maximum Circle of 12 Committed Souls on the Spirit Path Ready to Explore in this deep way. If you feel the call to be a Part of this Powerful Collective please make your Deposit and offer your commitment energy to this powerful creation.
The value of this program is Priceless as it is a whole new way of being with your life and in the world!!
… the monetary exchange value is over $6000 if priced separately.
To participate in this Deep Heart Immersion and Creative Expansion and Certification the full money exchange for this opportunity to participate is $4400 paid in full (!!). This includes Foundations level 1,2 , and 3 Practice, and the retreat in June
**Price does not include Lodging / Food /or Transportation**
These additional expenses will be the responsibility of each participant
I am offering an ***Extra Special Payment in full price of $3800 ( including deposit) !** if you register by February 1st, 2024 --
To get this price, please put a deposit of $400 down by Feb 1st and complete the questions for Your Letter of Intention. Then message Gwendolyn at 541-864-9296 to schedule a check in call to confirm that this is a YES for both of you. Once that is confirmed the remaining amount is due in full for that discount.
Payment Plan 1: $400 deposit ($500 after 2/1) plus 3 monthly payments of $1144 ( it will be be 3 monthly payments of $1300 after 2/1)
Payment Plan 2 $400 deposit ( $500 after 2/1) plus 7 monthly payments of $488 ( it will be 7 payments of $566 after the 26th of Jan)
If you feel a Yes and finances are the only reason you would say no, a few partial scholarships/work trades are available. Please speak with Gwendolyn Directly if you feel the Call and are ready to commit to this level of Transformation.
If you feel a YES to participate, a deposit of $400 and a letter of Intention (see below) must be submitted to Gwendolyn by the time we begin our module.
There are openings for a max of 12 Committed and Courageous Souls to Grow themselves and this New Way out in the World through this Collaborative.
Please note this deposit is non-refundable once Gwendolyn and you have agreed that you are a YES for this program. Payments will not be refunded after the mentorship program has begun. Due to the small enrollment and intensive nature of this offering, once committed, you are responsible to complete your payments regardless if you complete the whole journey with the Collective.
Gwendolyn’s vision is to create and support more Heart Inspired Leaders in the World to help grow a more Heart conscious, Earth honoring, and Authentic way of Living for all of us.
Thank you for being a part of growing this Path of the Heart in this world!
Are You Ready to say Yes to Living a Fully Inspired Life!
1) Please make your $400 deposit or paypal to gwendolynterra@yahoo.com.
2) take a moment to respond in detail to the following questions in your Letter of Intention for this Offering. Please take time to feel into your responses and Intentions, this will serve you on this path. Please email your Letter of Intention to gt@divinemovements.com.
3) Gwendolyn will respond to each letter within 3 Business days for a conversation to confirm your participation. Of course, if it is not a clear YES for participation your deposit will be refunded.
Letter of Intention
Please feel into and Answer these Questions for those who feel called to participate in The Heart Mentorship Collaborative
What is inspiring you to say YES to working with Gwendolyn and others in this deeper way?
What is your heart calling for from this Journey?
What is your vision for yourself and Your Life in this year, what are you wanting to grow within this cycle of creation and what are you ready to grow out of? Please Answer this for yourself and in your relationships in the world...
What are you calling in and intending for your work, your service in the world?
What would you like to share and receive with/from this group of Heart Field explorers?
What Modalities and Direct Experiences and /or Trainings have you had on your Journey to Connect with Spirit that you feel would serve this circle?
Are you Ready to Commit to Living your life in a more Conscious and Connected way ?
What are you resisting in this Commitment?
Be honest... this is where the growth is.
Have you Read the Commitments for Attending and Participation.?
Are you a Yes for all of them?
If not, what need to be addressed?
Acknowledgement and Clear Agreements are Key to Creating and Aligned life.